Why is it that we as a country can allow a person to run for & hold the highest office possible in our government and yet quite possibly be in the most denial one person can be in? How is that person capable of running a country made up of so many different people? I have news for you Mr. President the state of our Union is not GOOD. It may not be terrible, it may not be as bad as most in this world. We are still THE country most people would like to live in, but come on. Denial, Denial, Denial. What did he say of any importance the other night? The economy is not strong. Again, i preface that and everything here on out with this: I know it’s not horrible......but it’s not GOOD. Iraq......could somebody tell me how long this is gonna last? I know, now we’ve gotten ourselves into a bit of a tight spot. We can’t just leave, but we can’t stay forever either. Do we have a plan, or are we going to keep dancing around the subject and continue to pass it off as “staying the course”? 2240 DEAD and counting. How many times can someone say “September 11th” or “terrorist” in one speech? I really think it is insulting to have someone throw that day up every time they need to defend an action. It’s the reason we do everything, “September 11th this and remember September 11th, don’t forget September 11th, on September 11th I did this.....”. Tired of it. That day may be the darkest day of our history. I know it, I know it like the back of my hand. I still get choked up when i think about the people in those buildings and their hell, and their families hell. I will NEVER forget, who will? How dare our president use it as ammunition for the practice of spreading fear to gain support. Everything he does right or wrong is because of September 11th. If someone starts questioning him, well he’ll find a way to use September 11th in his response. It really pisses me off. Besides the Iraq war & global terrorism, a nuclear Iran, a stingy global economy, skyrocketing health care costs, troubled U.S. schools, rising fuel costs, looming budget deficits and government corruption all received attention in his speech Tuesday night. The problem I have and many others have is that these are for the most part not new problems. He’s had 5 years to change things and now he wants us to be patient for the next few years because now he’s seriously going to do something. Please, don’t insult me. Let’s look at this rationally, 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance, and health care costs are only on the rise. When I say rising I’m talking 3 to 4 times the rate of inflation. Progress in our education system sucks. How good is the quality of education in our children’s schools? If you think about it, children today could actually face poorer possibilities than their parents and grandparents. What ever happened to that “No Child Left Behind” thing? Our country is addicted to oil. Well no shit sherlock. I wonder how often that has been said. Oh wait, I know, in every State of the Union speech you’ve given. It’s easy to say it, how are we really going to fix it? I can’t seem to shake the idea that this seems to be a trend. Identify a problem, give it some lip service and then put it back in the box. I haven’t heard any real plans. Oh, by the way, has Osama been caught yet? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Have we found any WMDs yet, we’re still looking though huh? They could be there, don’t give up hope. Quite frankly his speech was full of watered down solutions with familiar phrases like “tax cuts, alternative energy research, investing in education, and above all else Staying the Course”. All I see are the facts and statistics and those would be that 7 of 10 Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Most voters who once thought Bush was a strong and principled leader now can no longer give him the benefit of the doubt. Those who historically credited him with being honest, straightforward, and having strong leadership qualities can no longer continue to do so in good faith. He has in fact lost his grip on his credibility with even those who were once his biggest supporters. 43% approval rating is not what I would call GOOD. There’s your sign. So Mr. President I would ask you, are you still a “Uniter, not a Divider”?